Strategic document of ENPI CBC shows the regions participating in the programme in the main area, and areas included as adjacent regions.
According to this document regions in the main programme area are as follows:
- In Romania, counties of: Botosani, Galaţi, Iasi, Suceava, Tulcea and Vaslui
- In Ukraine, oblast of: Odessa and Chernivetska
- In Republic of Moldova: all territory.
In addition, certain adjacent regions that may positively influence the cooperation in the border area were included in the programme area: the Romanian county of Braila, the Ukrainian oblasts of Ivano Frankivska, Vinniytska plus ten districts of Khmelnyitska and twelve districts of Ternopilska.
In addition, based on provisions of the ENPI Regulation and ENPI CBC Strategic Document partner states decided to include certain adjacent regions that may positively influence cooperation in the border area. Thus, Romanian and Ukrainian regions in programme area will be eligible for funding under this programme. The adjacent regions will have access to all the programme’s priorities, but only soft projects may be implemented in these regions. Detailed conditions for participation in the programme and the award of the programme budget are covered in the implementation section of this JOP.
The following regions will be eligible as adjacent regions in the programme:
- in Romania, the county of Braila;
- in Ukraine, the oblasts of Ivano-Frankivsk and Vinniytska plus 10 districts of Khmelnyitska (Vinkovetskyi, Chemerovetskyi, Khmelnytskyi, Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Letychivskyi, Dunayevetskyi, Derazhnyanskyi Novoushutskyi, Yarmolynetskyi and Horodetskyi) and 12 districts of the oblast Ternopilska (Ternopilskyi, Berezhanskyi, Pidgayetskyi, Kozivskyi, Pidvolochyskyi, Terebovlyanskyi, Monasturskyi, Gusyatynskyi, Chortkivskyi, Borshchivskyi, Zalishutskyi and Buchatskyi).
These adjacent regions were selected considering the potential added value due to their experience from current involvement in cross border activities, on one hand, and keep the focus on the border area, on the other hand, in order to maximize programme’s impact.
The map includes the entire area eligible of the programme and adjacent regions. It should be noted that Khmelniytska and Ternopilska oblasts will participate with only part of their areas, as shown above.