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Objectives and Priorities 2005

General objective of the Neighbourhood Programme Romania-Ukraine:

To improve cross border integration between boundary regions while posing good bases for sustainable economic development.

Specific objectives:

  • Strengthening existing common assets to ignite a new integrated cycle of sustainable development;
  • Supporting a new cycle of sustainable development with key infrastructures;
  • Develop cross-border cooperation to resurface the common socio-cultural heritage linked to the local history and environment;
  • Operationally strengthen cross-border cooperation.

PRIORITY 1 (Project RO-2005/017-539.01.01): Promoting Local Socio-Economic Development

  • Measure 1.1: Expand and Strengthen Tourism
  • Measure 1.2: Cross-border Economic Cooperation

Objective of this project is to strengthen existing common assets of border regions in order to ignite a new integrated cycle of sustainable development.

The priority includes measures aimed at:

  • boosting key local sectors showing either competitive advantage in the global market or demand growth potential, or both;
  • accommodate economic growth with relevant labor market actions.

Size of grant for Romania:

  • Minimum value: 50.000 EUR
  • Maximum value: 500.000 EUR

PRIORITY 2 (Project RO-2005/017-539.01.01): Developing Cross-border Integrated infrastructure Systems

  • Measure 2.1: Develop Cross-border Transport and Border Infrastructure;
  • Measure 2.2: Improve Cross-border Environmental Management.

Objective of this project is to support a new cycle of sustainable development with key cross-border infrastructures.
Priority 2 includes measures aimed at addressing issues in cross-border infrastructure.
It is acknowledged that the long-term ideal goal is a truly integrated system of transport, border and environment infrastructure.
These measures value the human capital component, by focusing on human resource development, strengthening management capacity and, organizational cross border cooperation.

Size of grant for Romania:

  • Minimum value: 50.000 EUR;
  • Maximum value: 800.000 EUR

PRIORITY 3 (Project RO-2005/017-539.01.02): People to People Actions

  • Measure 3.1: Joint Small Project Fund

Objective of this project is to develop cross-border co-operation to resurface the common socio-cultural heritage linked to the local history and environment characteristics.
This priority has been designed to encourage all sorts of contacts between people and in all sectors (e.g. economic development, administrative reform, environment, social affairs, cultural issues also) in the form of smaller projects. This means that the activities under this measure can also include the type of people-to-people actions identified under priorities 1 and 2 (like training for example), the difference being that activities under the “People to People” priority are by definition small scale and will be financed through a “Joint Small Project Fund” type mechanism.

Size of grant for Romania:

  • Minimum value: 10.000 EUR
  • Maximum value: 50.000 EUR